I'm not a big fan of 300, but this trailer looks pretty nice. As far as comic-to-film adaptations go, though, I'm a bigger believer in the spirit of the law than the letter. Here's hoping that there's more than pretty pictures to look at neat year!
Thanks to io9.com for the clip!
Hello all,
The comics anthology AFTERWORKS (currently in production on its 3rd installment) has a revamped blog where we'll be posting most of the news from this point on. Go HERE to find out all about AFTERWORKS 3 as well as past and upcoming volumes...
Well here we are one year later and it's time for another comic-con post...
The undefined, ever-changing amoeba-like entity that is E-Ville Press will be exhibiting again at this year's Comic-Con in San Diego.
Derek Thompson and I will represent this year, located at Booth #1534. The first installment of my new mini-series CORA will make its debut, and Rose and Isabel parts 1 and 2 will be available as well. Derek will have an ALL NEW Monster Annual chock full of his awesome designs (365 of them!) as well as original art. We'll also have the AFTERWORKS 2 anthology for sale, which contains short stories by Derek, myself and many others.
ScottMorse, Jeff Pidgeon and Bill Presing will be exhibiting under the name RED WINDOW and will be located at booth #4800.

Yep, it's that time again. San Diego Comic Con 2007 is right around the corner.
Derek Thompson and Ted Mathot will be representing E-Ville Press this year, residing at Booth #1534. They'll be selling Derek's popular Monster Annuals as well as his original art, Afterworks 1 & 2, and Rose and Isabel 1 & 2. Other items from E-Ville Press pals will surely be on the table for sale as well.
See you all in San Diego!
click the map for the large version

"...Fortunately, I can now say that this collection surpasses the original in every way. Once again, animators from flicks and shows like Toy Story and Samurai Jack use their talents to create short stories in graphic novel formula. Some contain little to no dialogue, with visuals strong enough to speak for themselves. Others boast deep narration and thought-out plots. A few have both. There's something for everyone in here, and every tale is illustrated with detail and personality."
"..."Milton's Moustache" is an early standout in the collection. Drawn and narrated like a children's storybook (with a few naughty words thrown in for good measure), it teaches a funny little lesson about the rush to grow up. "Hell of a Game" does a fine job incorporating Satan, public relations, and foosball all into one hilarious story. Finally, "Slanty and Roundy" deals with the normal insecurities and arguments that might come between couples on vacation. The fact that it doesn't have a single word of dialogue, yet tells one of the most poignant stories in the book, is quite a feat. The last scene in the story is simple yet moving, and ends the book on the best possible note."
Read the full review here
If you weren't able to make it to SCDD this year, Rose and Isabel part 2 (of 2) is now available online via Paypal.
The second book completes the story and paves the way for a new Western tale called CORA, which will debut next year.
We're back from San Diego and I'm happy to report that Afterworks 2 was a big success; the books were flying off the table at the E-Ville table, Scott Morse's Red Window booth, and at Maverix Studios, where they were very gracious to display them for us. (The book will also be widely available from IMAGE Comics so check your local comics store or bookstore).
Thanks to everyone who came by and said hello. E-Ville press has already secured booth space for SDCC next year and we're looking into getting a spot at WonderCon and APE as well. Hopefully we'll be seeing you all again in 07.